issues please note same on a 3 by 5 card and send it in. When the issue you want comes in you will be notified which and how much to send in.
We particularly need the following numbers: 1 to 9, 12, 13, 16, 17, 23-27, 29-32, 35, 36, 39, 41-43, 54 and 58. If you are willing to part with any of these please send them in for $2 in cash or credit.
For those that do not want to buy but like to read we have a complete library of 3 copies of each exhausted issue for rental at a fee of $2 and $4 deposit returnable on return of the issue. I tell you all this again be- cause we are constantly getting orders for issues clearly indicated to be out of stock in the price list but readers do not take as much advantage of the rental library as they might. (At the same time there are a few who take too much advantage in that they do not return their rented copies within a month. If you have any out on rental please return them so they will be available for others.
INTRODUCTION TO TRANSVESTISM: This little leaflet was written many years ago and has proved so handy in educating lots of people. For sometime I have offered it at cost at 10c each. I hap- pened to check up on things the other day and found that I have been subsidizing this distribution since between printing and postage it comes to nearly twice that. So from here on out I'll have to ask 20¢ each from you to break even. I do still urge you to invest in a couple of dollar's worth however, and distribute them to doctors, ministers, judges, Vice squad commanders, etc. You all want greater acceptance and under- standing on the part of the public but only very few of you do anything to help bring it about. This little effort won't cost you much and will at least be a ripple in the pond.
NEW STORIES: A word of thanks to those of you who have sent in the money to cover one or all of the new stories listed in the price list. This is helping a lot with the cost of trying to do a lot of publishing at once. However I want to make sure that everyone realizes that these items had to be listed as I had to get them in the new price list but that they are NOT YET AVAILABLE. All orders are entered on your cards and also on a Wait List and they will be mailed out as they become avail- able. Schoolgirl in the Secret Service, the first to be printed, should be off the press about the first week of August. Others will follow as quickly as possible.